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Pysanka (Ukrainian Easter Egg)

This turned out beautifully! The final result was unexpected, but I’m happier with this than what I had pictured in my head initially. The yellow color came from dye I made with onion skins, and the purple color came from painting black food coloring onto the eggshell. My goal was to cover a brown spot that I had accidentally burned onto the shell when I was trying to melt off a stray wax line at the beginning of the design. I had to get clever and figure out how to cover it up, so I disguised it into the center of a flower. From there, my goal was to have sunflowers with brown/black centers and the rest of the pysanka would be black, but the brown food coloring didn't want to color, and the black food coloring turned purple on the eggshell instead. It’s funny how accidents and mistakes can turn a design into something more beautiful than you could have imagined!

Sunflower pysanka - photo 1

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